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Today Music:Mika「Toy Boy」讓哈日的我著迷

第一次聽Mika是在一間球鞋店內,狩獵行動在播放一首<Blue Eyes>之後不自主地中止,耳朵給音樂牽著走視線也散漫起來。憑當中的一兩句歌詞在網上搜出這一張出色的大碟:<The Boy Who Knew Too Much>。除了<Blue Eyes>之外,當中<Toy Boy>正面的音樂crossover負面的歌詞,如童話音樂般的編曲,詞卻在點點透露同性戀主張,這種張力所帶來的吸引力非比尋常。據聞Mika畢業於英國皇家音樂學院受過歌劇和古典樂訓練,有如此出身的人所創造pop song果然功力深厚。


I'm a wind-up toy in an up down world
If you leave me all alone, I'll make a mess for sure
I've a heart of gold and the smallest size
Leave me in the dark, you'll never hear me cry

More than an illustration
Points of articulation
Come to life on a brass spring
Such a wonderful plaything

It's a cruel blue cross that I have to bear
Come a little close I'm going to pull your hair
More than just a toy in a patch-blue suit
Hold me in your arms I'm just a boy like you

But your mama thought there was somethin' wrong
Didn't want you sleeping with a boy too long
It's a serious thing in a grown-up world
Maybe you'd be better with a Barbie girl

You were that I adored-ya
But you left me in Georgia
Toys are not sentimental
How could I be for rental?

She's the meanest hag that has ever been
Pulled out my insides with an old safety pin
I'm the sorest sight, now I feel like trash
Clothes are made of rags and they don't even match

So she dressed me up as the man she loved
Then threw me in a box when she had had enough
Now the light of day I no longer see
She stuck her voodoo pins where my eyes used to be

Accidentally tragic
Victim of her black magic
How'd a boy who'd so loved you
Now be so afraid of you?

伸延:殘響音牆﹕Mika 少年初嘗愁滋味

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